Digester mixers

Landia GasMix is a mixing system where all components are located outside the tank. GasMix utilizes recirculation of the biogas to mix the contents in the reactor.

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Increased biogas production with Landia GasMix

Effective mixing in the reactor tank is essential for the economy of your biogas plant. As the only supplier on the market, Landia can offer you the unique GasMix mixing system.

GasMix utilizes biogas and biomass recycling to mix the contents of the reactor tank.The fact that all components of the GasMix system are located outside the reactor, offers several obvious advantages.

All service on the system can be performed at the base of the tank. If the system fail unexpectedly, the biogas process continues, and it is never necessary to open or empty the tank – unlike most other types of mixers in reactor tanks.

GasMix boosts biogas production

In a collaboration with Aarhus University,   more than 10% higher biogas production has been demonstrated compared with traditional mixing technology. 

In biomasses with a high fibre content, the fibres are “split” apart by the repeated recirculation through the GasMix digester mixing system – a function which is not achieved by traditional mixing of the reactor tank.

Easy maintenance is not the only advantage of the Landia GasMix system. A wide range of ingredients has been tried, all with extremely effective results! 

- says director Brian Gannon.


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Case studies - Landia GasMix


Overhaul of digester mixing system delivers better biogas yields

Eco Verde Energy's revamped Anaerobic Digestion plant in Suffolk now boasts higher biogas yields thanks to Landia's superior mixers and pumps. This significant upgrade, overcoming past inefficiencies, marks a leap in renewable energy efficiency and sustainability.

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Retrofit of digester mixers helps Biosciences Institute boost gas yields by 15-25%

Discover AFBI Hillsborough's biogas success with Landia GasMix: 15-25% higher yields, efficient sludge control, and enhanced energy performance.

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New digester mixing system delivers better yields for Eco Verde Energy (EVE)

Online, one can find no end of advice on mixing systems for biogas digesters; often going into great detail about impeller designs, speeds and angles – but away from the office desk, speak to a Plant Manager or AD operator, and they’ll soon tell you that even the best mixing system in the world isn’t something that they want – inside the tank.

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Mixing matters for Eco’s sustainable solution

Comprehensive mixing of biogas digesters is playing a crucial role at one of the most dynamic and well-run food-waste-to-energy facilities in Europe.

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Over 43 per cent more gas (!) as Hayley Group wows customer with new AD/Biogas mixing system

A leading food waste-to-energy operation has increased its biogas yields by an average of more than 43% - due to a new digester mixing system.

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Mix to the max at Yorkshire Water’s major new Energy & Recycling Facility

At Yorkshire Water’s new £50M Huddersfield Energy and Recycling Facility (E&RF), the digester mixing system from Whitchurch-based Landia is ensuring that total gas production can reach its anticipated 22,192Nm³/d (normal cubic meter/day).

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A Better Blend

An automated mixing system helps an Illinois treatment plant improve biogas production and increase volatile solids destruction.

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Landia Digester Mixing System increases biogas by 20 percent

At the multi-award-winning Downers Grove Wastewater Treatment Center in Illinois, the Landia’s GasMix digester mixing system has increased biogas production by approximately 20 percent.

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Landia Gasmix System Installed At California Ad Facility

ES Engineering, Irvine, California, has installed Denmark-based Landia’s GasMix system at a food waste-to-energy facility in Chino, California, designed to help boost gas production from the facility’s two anaerobic digesters.

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Luannan agri and biogas projects press ahead with Landia digester mixing systems in China

In Luannan County, which has been committed to significantly developing agriculture in China, Landia has secured a major new order for its biogas digester mixing system.

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A strong partner with extensive experience in biogas

You will not find anyone who has more experience with pumping and mixing solutions for biogas plants than Landia. We have been involved since the biogas industry’s infancy in Denmark, and today you will find Landia products in biogas plants worldwide.

The biogas industry is growing year by year and we are keeping pace. 

When you contact Landia, you will speak with employees who know the industry, including some who have worked in biogas plants themselves.

This is how we develop the best solution with you
