Landia GasMix has all components located outside the tank, which is an obvious advantage in terms of servicing the system. All service can be performed at the base of the tank and should the system fail, the biogas process continues, as you do not have to open the tank for repair – unlike most other types of mixers for anaerobic tanks.
In a collaboration with Aarhus University, Denmark, it has been proven that Landia GasMix provides a higher biogas production when compared with traditional mixing technology. This becomes clearer the higher the dry matter content. When the sludge passes through the GasMix ejector, it is subjected to a treatment in which the sludge particles are “split” apart – a feature that makes the tank contents easier to mix, there is less risk of crusts and the subsequent biogas production is increased.
- says Gerald Buckley, Tullamore, Ireland
Landia supplied the first mixers for sewage treatment plants in the 1980s and today you will find Landia products at sewage treatment plants worldwide. The wastewater industry is growing year by year and we are keeping pace. When you contact Landia, you will speak with staff who know the industry, and who knowsand understand the wastewater industry.