Landia chopper pumps are fitted with an efficient knife system at the pump inlet. The knife system breaks down larger particles before they are pumped further into the system. Landia’s pumps are also suitable for pumping highly viscous liquids.
The pump is simple, robust and easy to service. There are no fine tolerances that require adjustment after changing the impeller. This makes the pump much less sensitive to dry matter and sand, and it keeps the cost of operation and maintenance down. And then it is also a chopper pump, and you are “insured” against the pump clogging.
A Landia chopper pump can be adapted to fit equipment from most other pump manufacturers, so it is both quick and simple to upgrade to a Landia chopper pump.
Our wide performance range, material and installation options will allow us to provide a custom-built chopper pump solution for your specific problem.
You will not find anyone who has more experience with pumping and mixing solutions for biogas plants than Landia. We have been involved since the biogas industry’s infancy in Denmark, and today you will find Landia products in biogas plants worldwide.
The biogas industry is growing year by year and we are keeping pace.
When you contact Landia, you will speak with employees who know the industry, including some who have worked in biogas plants themselves.